Your 4-Step Guide to Buying New Windows

Have you noticed hazy windowpanes caused by interior or exterior window condensation? Perhaps you start feeling drafts even when the window is closed, or you find it difficult to open, close, or lock your windows.

Choosing replacement windows is no easy task, and many homeowners don’t know where to begin. It’s important to recognize the warning signs that will determine if you need replacement windows, understand the different window types, and learn the benefits of installing new windows.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to buy new windows since the decision is based on several factors like the functionality, variety of window styles and options, and personal tastes and preferences. Other considerations to keep in mind before purchasing new windows are window measurements, the correct fit, and the installation, which are also crucial elements to ensuring your new windows will last the life of your home.

To simplify the buying process, Zen Windows has listed four easy steps to help you get started.

Step 1: 5 Warning Signs You Need New Windows

It’s vital to pinpoint whether your windows need replacing and time to start your new window renovation project. The top five warning signs to replace your windows are:

  1. Drafts. Drafty windows can significantly affect the overall temperature of your home, causing your heating and cooling system to work harder to keep up with the fluctuating temperature. Drafty windows also result in high energy bills. New energy-efficient replacement windows are designed to help prevent air from transferring in and out of your home.
  2. Noise intrusion. Can you tell when your neighbor’s car is coming down the street? If you hear a lot of outside noise, your windows are not providing enough protection from the sounds of the outdoors. It could be that they were poorly constructed, installed, or sealed incorrectly. Our vinyl windows feature single-, double-, or triple-pane glass, which helps decrease outdoor noise and increase soundproofing.
  3. Difficult operation. If your windows require a bit of force and pressure to open, do not close properly, or you are having difficulty locking them, this can affect the safety of your home. Your windows should open and close effortlessly ― if they don’t, it’s time to replace them.
  4. Deteriorating frames. If your window frames are chipped, soft to the touch, or sagging, this could indicate rot and water infiltration. If you start noticing signs of decay in your window frames, this is a serious need of an upgrade.
  5. Condensation buildup. If you see built-up moisture damage around your wooden window frames, this can cause serious decay down the road, causing severe safety issues. You may also notice that your windows are frosting between the glass layers ― this may mean that you have faulty seals that allow moisture between the glass panes.

Step 2: Understand the Different Window Types

The types of windows available vary significantly, with each design serving a specific purpose within the home. Selecting the right type of window for your home will be heavily based on understanding your personal preference, your budget, and the window’s functionality within your home.

Some of the most common types of windows available are:

  • Double-hung windows
  • Awning windows
  • Bay windows
  • Bow windows
  • Garden windows
  • Casement windows
  • Sliding windows
  • Picture windows
  • Special shape windows

Windows are a functional upgrade. Whether you are trying to improve your home’s curb appeal or save on your energy bills, a new window renovation project is a great investment to reap a great return.

Step 3: Grasp the Benefits from New Window Replacement

If you choose window replacement as your next major home renovation, there are significant benefits you’ll reap:

  1. Curb appeal. Appearances matter to you and potential home buyers. With new windows, your property will have a fresh look from the exterior while keeping its charm.
  2. Security. The more secure your windows are, the better protected you, your family, and your home are. Newer windows with low-E coatings, heavy-duty locks, and tilt-in sashes, for example, are features that will make your windows and home more efficient and secure.
  3. Energy efficiency. Replacement windows will allow your HVAC system to work less while lowering your bills at the same time.
  4. Increased home value. If you’re planning on renting or selling your home soon, swapping out old windows for new ones will undoubtedly increase the market value of your home.

Step 4: Why Choose Zen Windows?

Choosing a replacement window company you can trust is a crucial next step in the new window buying process. Why choose Zen Windows? The Zen Windows Experience makes it easy to replace your windows because of our:

  • Zero-hassle, stress-free process
  • Simple and accurate quotes
  • [DisplayIfSet group=”Additional_Pages” setting=”warranties”]
  • Lifetime warranties/double warranty included
  • [/DisplayIfSet]
  • No-money-down guarantee
  • [DisplayIfSet group=”Additional_Pages” setting=”financing”]
  • Flexible financing options
  • [/DisplayIfSet]
  • Expert window installers
  • Decades of experience

If this is the kind of stress-free, no-hassle experience you want when buying new replacement windows, get in touch with us today or request your free quote online.